Atención *Monterrey*:
*Urban chef* está por llegar
Y pronto podrás disfrutar con amigos y familiares sin largas esperas
*Programa tus comidas y se dueño de tu tiempo* con la Nueva app *Urban Chef*

Analytics as your assistant
Analytics is often simply numbers and graphs. It’s easy to understand why some people are intimidated by analytics. But that doesn’t have to be the way. Analytics can be joyful and fun. It should help you take away the tedious work of dissecting graphs and calculating numbers. Analytics should feel like your assistant.
With Analyze, you don’t just get charts. You’ll also see three recommended times to post on Instagram. They are times when your predicted reach is among the highest during the week.
Most people would find the three recommendations sufficient but if you want more, you can then dive into the charts.